Month: May 2019

Adult Autism Diagnosis in the UK

I’ve grown up and ‘functioned’ in society just about right until my late teens when I realise there’s something that’s not quite right. Growing up, I was often labelled as clumsy and forgetful. I couldn’t keep friendships going past certain age. There was only one friend with whom I’ve remained in contact even after moving around. I saw morals/choices as black and white, right and wrong. There was no grey area. I did my fair bit of research, and still couldn’t quite figure out what was missing. One day, I came across Simon Baron-Cohen’s research in Autism and realised I might be on the spectrum. I visited my GP and told them that I’d like to be referred for an assessment. Unfortunately, they dismissed my concerns, told  me I might possibly be dyslexic and that ‘there’s no intervention for autism, so a diagnosis for adults is useless’. Luckily, I had to relocate for a new job and when I found myself struggling again, I visited my GP. I’ve told them of my concerns and that …